March 01, 2006

Spirituality & Management -- Pujya Swami Hari Chaitanyaji

As interviewed by PRADEEP NAMBIAR for SANSKAR TV

What is the purpose of life ?

We have to be of some use to the society, we have to find out the one within us and spread happiness. You cannot move like the pendulum too and fro. You have to have a direction. What you say is impossible has been achieved by someone else. You have to have an aim, pursue it like Arjun did.

How do we identify our talents, what is our swadharma ?

Talents are within everyone, one has to identify it and nurture it. The best way to identify it is to seek direction from our atma not our mind. Pray to the lord within you and seek direction , the course will automatically come to you.

What is success in life?

Purusharth and shraddha is essential for success. Both have their own significance and importance. You need to work hard and you need the blessings of the Lord. A devotee of Lord Hanuman got his bullock cart wheel stuck in the mud, instead of purusharth , he began shraddha, praying to the Lord for help. The lord asked his devotee that you should take the name of the Lord but at the same time push the cart, when you do both your karma becomes pooja and then you will succeed.

What is failure in life?

You have to play your life. Give your best performance. Outwit your earlier performance. Even if you lose , don't let it bother you. You were born with nothing and will go away with nothing. Let your work,karma be your pooja , an offering to God. That will be possible only when you perform with love and enthusiasm and burn the desire of result. When your karma becomes your pooja, your results will be much more than normal.

What is the best form of leadership?

Watch shri Ram, at every step he is an epitome of maryada. Sea is a boon when it is within its limits, when it crosses its limits it causes floods , destruction.Lord Rama teaches us to be within our maryada at all times. Lord Krishna teaches us what ever the situation demands work within the situation but have great ideals and thoughts. He was a cowherd when required, but also the king. He never preferred to be a "gavar gwala.". when need necessitates do what is required but also increase your limits so that you can become a "dwarkadeesh" when chance permits you.

Advise to the youth?

You are unsuccessful it only means you were short in your effort. God helps those who help themselves. A small deep , a candle has the strength to keep darkness away. The loftiest tower rises from the ground ,not from the skies. Run towards your goal taking the Lords name and the blessings of your parents , you will attain the impossible.

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