July 18, 2007

A Letter from Gaia

You say you are listening, but it is not so. So used to being numbed by the noise in your world, you know not how to be with me. When you ride your bikes through my wilderness, you speak with others of your business. When you walk together, I hear you talking of dinner plans, friends who do not keep promises, the results of your latest mutual fund.

When you jog through my trees, by my lakes, you wear earphones that hide the real music that is me. So numbed by your world, you must even numb yourself when you are with me. When you travel through my country in your vehicles, you look at your maps instead of my glorious scenery.

Can you not see how I weep that my symphony is not heard?
How my beauty is invisible to you?

The beaver slapped his tail for you on the water, encouraging you to come view the results of his very hard work. The red breasted robin landed in the tree in front of you - she wanted to remind you that a nest is built one tiny branch at a time. The rabbit that ran across your path stopped and sent you a smile, reminding you to be soft and stay out of fear.

The stream's spray over the rocks wanted to remind you of the power of renewal and the cleansing results of staying in the flow. The rocks in the stream were showing you how being washed over can make you smooth and shiny. It is good to let life wash over you.

The duck upstream who was diving for food was showing you the life he lives each day - the life of trust. He does not try to catch his fish and store them for the future. He simply trusts in the bounty that each day will provide.

The golden butterfly that landed on your t-shirt was promising you a golden transition. If you are willing to go within and cocoon to your own inner spirit, you too may one day fly. She landed on your heart, because that where you must begin listening. She was telling you that somewhere, deep within you, there is a butterfly waiting to be born. If you want to fly, you need only listen.

The tree at the end of the path that waved his leaves at you was sending you a kiss. You thought it strange that the leaves were moving - there was no breeze that you remember. But you walked on by and a tear fell across his heart. Unseen. Again.

The flock of geese who flew above you were showing you the beauty of togetherness - you can fly farther when you fly with others.

Remember the tiny mountain flower peeking her head out of the tall grasses? She was showing you that every place is a good place for beauty - even surrounded by grasses that might seem to dwarf you. She was telling you to show your beauty regardless of where you are. Beauty has no boundaries.

Did you see the smile in the clouds? They were sending you a cosmic gift from the heavens to remind you that you are never alone. They see you. They want you to see their artistry as they create all those images for you. It is an ever changing art gallery they offer you - if you'd just look up and use your wonderful imagination.

The raindrops that began falling as you reached the end of your walk offended you. Yet, they cleanse the earth, offer nourishment to the soil, feed the many plants and animals that share this world with you. They feed YOU. As you hurried from them, some of them became tears - weeping that you did not see their part in continuing creation.

Today the robin spoke. Did you hear what she said? Today the sky spoke. Did you hear what she said? Today the ocean's waved roared. Did you hear what they said? Today the sun folded into the sunset, and the sunset folded into the night. Did you hear what she was telling you?

Listen to my rhythms. Feel my heart pulse within you - within all of Creation. Hear my messages by hearing my messengers.

Wake up. Feel me. Hear me. See me. Love me.

For I am you - and if you cannot see that - we will both disappear from lack of viewing.

I am Gaia - The Earth I am You. I am part of all creation. You are part of all creation.

Love yourself. Love me. Do not suspend your heart for that which is illusion Anything that is outside of love is illusion See love and you will see yourself. See love and you will see me. See love and we shall carry on this cosmic dance forever.

Open your eyes to love. Open your heart to love. Open your vision to love. Come, let me show you how to plant the colors of ecstasy. Come, be the butterfly. Come, please come.

(c)Montana Gray - 7/99

1 comment:

Celeste said...

Absolutely beautiful!